Sunday, 23 November 2008

Language as a barrier.... ?

In the past 23 yrs of my life, I have lived in 4 countries. I have friends with contrasting backgrounds, cultures and faiths. In fact when it comes to friendship, one's nationality or belief, hardly matters. At least in my case, what has mattered, is the chord I have been able to strike with the other half. Off late I have noticed that one of the main elements of an effective communication; the Language, has often been convoluted in its purpose for coming into being. Why would we need a language ? - so that we can convey our ideas effectively, most importantly, in order to communicate. However unfortunate as it may seem, many exploit the Language as a means to bond with people. As long as the other person understands you, your beliefs and there is some common understanding between two people, I do not see how either side's native language matters? But I have seen so many people who were otherwise nice / sensible (what ever you choose to call it), but when it comes to good friends, they would choose to be in the company of people who were only from a similar state/nation/city/(needless to say who shared the same native language) as they. I have been in the company of such people, and I find it intriguing, because at times, the only thing these folks share, is their language. Yes I agree, there are certain things peculiar to a certain language, things that lose their beauty/effect once translated. However I do not see how or why language, meant to be a bridge, is used to build fences. Sometimes its good to glorify your culture, your life-styles, however, when the same come in the way of your accepting others and their differences, it is time to move on. One's growth is often associated with academics/achievements, however I firmly believe that your growth as an individual, lies in these small issues that characterize you, beliefs that you stand up for, your principles/convictions and most importantly, your ability to accept people for what they are, rather than question their identity. Yes disagreements arise, not everyone might come up to your standards, not everyone might be able to appreciate your culture/history, as well as your fellow-men, however those friends are definitely worthy of you, who care for you despite these differences, be it cultural/belief-wise. It is easy to associate with people, who share a common background, not much of an effort is required to interact with such people, however when you are able to strike a chord with those from a different background than your own, I think it is important to cherish that relationship.
I am one of those few people who believe that differences can be used to bridge rather than break. After all isn't variety the spice of life! ;)