In life I am fortunate to have been taught by a variety of teachers thereby exposing myself to variegated forms of teaching. This is self-explanatory of the fact that it would be unfair to rank these various forms of teaching without being unjust to either of them.
But there are two main teachers well-etched in my memory - Professor Nagaraj of Vivekananda College and my music teacher Mrs.Jaya Kalidas. Nagarajan Sir introduced me to chemistry, and since then there has been no looking back, while Jaya aunty brought music into my life, it was like a breath of fresh air, that was eternally rejuvenating and replenishing. But both of these two highly influential individuals had two very contrasting ways of going about their teachings.
I clearly remember, my first rendevouz with Sir. It was a sunday evening at 7 pm when myself and my parents went over to his place, to express my desire of coming under his tutelage for a period of 2 yrs. The first question he asked me was why i liked chemistry followed by why i thought i need his guidance. I dont think I sounded very convincing in my answers as i said something cliched like, my chemistry fundamentals werent cleared etc. But nevertheless, my first lesson was to be held on the succeding day. Unlike most teachers who start off with their first lessons, Sir just gave two problems to solve and sat down next to me with his "times of India" crossword. I was wondering if this was one of those trick tests to assess my depth of understanding, and this thought didnot do anything to alleviate my nervousness. Furthermore, while I was figuring out the methodology, Sir would quietly steal a glance into my rough work. I managed to figure out the answers, and to my surprise, the first question put to me by Sir was not "what is the answer" but why did I choose to solve the question the way I did, and if there was any other way i could think off. We had a brain storming session and most of the classes were a two way discussion rather than the usual didactic lectures. I think this is a perfect example of learning blended with fun. But what really appealed to me was that , even though most questions had one correct answer, what sir looked for, was the undercurrent of thought that went into solving those problems, each problem could be done in several ways, and this inturn provided an insight into each student and his reasons for choosing one method over the other. Sir never led us by the hand if you get what i mean. In a way we taught ourselves, with sir constantly watching over us. To sir, learning was a process where in he just served as a catalyst, never as the judge. Rights and Wrongs were not laid emphasis on, rather, the focus was on learning something new each day. Each student had a different approach, a different way of trying to understand the same concept or theorem, and it was these perspectives that were given importance to. We would be given a problem underlyin a theorem we had never heard of, and at the end of the session, the theorem would be presented to us. The teaching was not only application oriented, I think it was tweaked to suit every individual. Intellectual freedom was abundant in his classes, and that is what still keeps me in awe of Sir.
Jaya aunty was a complete contrast. In all her classes, we would always be first taught the correct and appropriate way to sing a particular note, the method that has always been followed conventionally. We were only occasionally allowed to improvise. The emphasis was laid on learning music the way it has always been sung. Ofcourse this is also subject to the fact that, in order to improvise on the notes, we needed to have learnt enough and mastered the original peice. We were given detailed explanations about the history of each peice and why it has got to be sung in that particular manner. We were, in other words, led by the hand. And by saying this, I donot mean to degrade this particular method of pedagogy, for as I said before, what I have picked up from Jaya aunty, I could have picked up from no other. She was undoubtedly as special and gifted teacher and I am proud to have learnt music from her.
But having said that, I must add that good teachers are very hard to find, for teaching is an art, more than a skill, it may arise out of practise, experience definitely has a role to play, but without a flair for teaching, the teacher will simply serve to be a knowledge provider. nothing else.
Sunday, 15 July 2007
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