Monday, 24 March 2008

Majority Wins !

I have been studying barrons for the gre exam coming up in November. Its quite strange, but I have not been able to find the word “real” in barrons, nor “reality”.

I could call this jet lag, or just a compulsive need to pen down my thoughts, but the truth remains, that barrons has decided to omit the word “real” from their word list. I presume this is because, anyone would knw what real or reality meant or atleast in the context they could be used. But considering my modest command over English language, I desire to knw what exactly does real mean? Something that exists? Ahh.. I have a short incident or rather a projection of my mind, to quote regarding “things that exist” :D

I enter a restaurant with a friend and seek a table for two. As we sit chit-chatting, waiting for our coffee to be served, I look across my friend, at a table behind her. There is a beautiful vase placed at the center of this table, the painting on the vase somehow catches my eye. It has an abstract painting on its circular surface, yet, it had this power to make you look at it for a second time, forcing you to think about what it resembled. It was thought-provoking, at the same time, blended well with the aura prevailing in the restaurant. I asked my friend to have a look at it while I summoned the waiter to ask him how about our coffee. To my surprise my friend asked me which vase I was talking about. I again pointed it out to her, and somehow, it looked like it was invisible. I tried to assure my friend that she needed to get her eyes checked. However, she remained unconvinced and asked the waiter for his opinion of the vase, and to my astonishment, the waiter, too, seemed to have the same response as my friend. My curiosity was piqued, and I summoned the restaurant manager, to enquire about the vase. He, too, refused to acknowledge the presence of the vase. I put it this way, as I still believe that the vase was present. Yet, what seemed so real, so physical, to me, was non-existent to everyone else.

I did not want to look like my mind had gone for a toss, so I resorted to sipping my coffee in silence. But my mind was in turmoil and on the way back, I decided to tip over the vase. Surely no one could miss the noise it makes, on hitting the ground. However, not a single eye in the restaurant, turned to look at what I had done, or the source of the noise.

Isnt it strange? That vase was and still continues to remain my favourite. But more importantly, I have come to accept the fact that, reality and truth, are restricted to individual perspective. Each one of us lives in our own circle of reality. The degree of reality in anything is governed by how many actually believe that reality. The same goes with truth. In some cases, there is a scientific explanation to supplant each ones reality. For instance, in the case of color-blindness, those afflicted with this disorder (I donot like calling it a disorder- lets just call it a “frame-shift reality”!!) cannot perceive the colors red and green in the rainbow. They donot see any difference between the two colors, while for “ordinary” people like us, these are two of the most eye-catching colors of the rainbow. For the former, these are just two names, two words, that lack any sense or a mental picture. However, in this case science has an explanation for this difference. The same amount of truth that exists in my perception of these two colors, exists, in their non-existence. I find this fascinating and yet intriguing! When something is real, it is only because some else’s reality coincides with ours. Unfortunately this is one such debate that is governed by the number of supporters for each side! Majority ofcourse wins!

But does that mean that the vase has ceased to exist for me... naaaaaaaaaaaaah. I just pity the rest of them, for missing out on one of the most beautiful pieces of artefact man has created. And I walk out of the restaurant believing, “Reality and not beauty-lies in the beholders eye!”.

Friday, 21 March 2008

sun....snow.. and some ramblings..

I haven't blogged for quite some time.. some things aren't worth writing, and some things are better not written.. some times i have learnt its better to keep ones thoughts to one self.. they have a way of getting diffused and appearing much more important than they really are, once noted. Its like giving them an identity, accepting that they are there...that they are a part of you....

As you may have guessed.. my thoughts fall in the second category.. things that i have been fearing and continue to fear.. unfortunately things that i have no control over... its quite practical to say, "then what is the point pondering over such things".. but alas the mind is never where the heart is !

Fears.. a word that is of a quintessential nature to the definition of a human... we not only have fears but also fear that making our fears evident would in turn expose our vulnerability to the outside world... weakness is what they call it.. and ofcourse most fears are irrational or revolve around things we would have no control over.. if they were so rational i am sure we would have been able to get rid of them, as easily as wrapping up a sudoku grid..! as you may have surmised, i have fears too like every one else out there... and the one nasty thing about fears is their habit of creeping up in the most unlikely of places, of slowly rising in magnitude upto a point when you feel your head could burst and the beans come spilling out.. and so i decided i may as well blog..!
Its definitely not a quick remedy nor is it even meant to serve that purpose.. but its just one way of accepting my fears, of accepting the "me" that houses these fears.. may be its the way i choose to be for the moment.. but i think the acceptance in itself, is one step forward.. !

Being ambitious myself, I have learnt to live in the future, the concept of present having vanished.. But this is something I have chosen for myself, goals that I have set, not in a mechanical sense, I still do continue to enjoy and take pleasure in my work, however, dreaming so much about the future, has ensued in me forgetting to live this moment.. now is the time spent in achieving something for "later".. I think this realization scares me.. I feel that some how I would end up fading away and go unnoticed. Not that I am paranoid about recognition, but the loss of a tiny drop from the large ocean is seldom noticed..

So there.. a part of the beans have been spilt... but I think I have learnt a lot after coming to Amsterdam.. from people, from their attitudes and from life in general.. Elucidation of this will take another blog !..