Sunday, 27 July 2008


Have you ever been faced with a situation where you get to know this person and gel in well as you dig deeper and deeper. And when everything is going smooth, and you actually want to take another step forward, there come path blockers !? Some trivial issue, that happens, starting as something small, but eventually ends up gnawing its way into a major chunk of your time?
This has happened with me, not once, but twice. And you actually begin to wonder, if the person is what you think they are, if its a one-way ticket you have got yourself into, or if the situation brings you together, but no amount of time/efforts can actually endow a future to the relationship?
Are these signs that are meant to be or, am I complicating it? As the music and lyrics song goes, I am unable to see the stars in the sky, they aren't shining bright enough and yet, I need a way back into love.
I am glad that I have two people whom I can share everything with, who know me in an unadulterated sense, that only those few special people can know you. The world and more importantly success, for me would not be the same if I did not have these two folks to share it with. I know that how much ever I want to be alone, at any point, I still secretly yearn for these two people to be with me, for a shoulder to lean on. I guess all of us are like that. I might want to be by myself to collect my thoughts, but once done, I will definitely want to share it with both of them. It helps me clear up, rejuvenate and most importantly, know that I am loved and missed.

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